Kate Crossland for Hanger Hill

Kate Crossland

I am standing as a Green Candidate to represent the Hanger Hill ward, where I have lived for 15
In this by-election, we have an opportunity to tell the Council we want to address both the climate
crisis and many of the related challenges we face as a society. For example, if we insulate our homes
properly, we reduce bills as well as reducing our impact on the planet. If we promote sustainable
travel, we improve our health through being more active and breathing cleaner air.
I joined the Green Party because while the changes we need to make sound simple, the reality is
they need money and political changes to make them happen. In Hanger Hill I would work to bring
meaningful progress by championing energy efficiency and renewable energy schemes- I’ve been
successful in winning some money from a government grant scheme to explore a project in Hanger
Hill. I’d work with residents to make the changes we need to help make walking and cycling easier,
while making sure changes are made fairly. Hanger Hill particularly suffers from poor air quality and
this would be a priority.
As chair of a local Residents Association, I’ve met regularly with our local Safer Neighbourhood
Police team and have a good understanding of the issues around crime and antisocial behaviour in
the area. I’d continue to work on addressing these, making sure we all feel safe in our homes and on
our streets.
We have some wonderful green spaces across Ealing, including in Hanger Hill, which I would ensure
are protected and well cared for. These are vital for both physical and mental health.
I’m a school governor and ran the Parent-Teacher Association at a local primary school. Our schools
do amazing things with tight budgets. I’d continue to listen to what they need and advocate for our
young people.
I also bring transferable skills from my day-job as a Palliative Care Doctor. I have a particular interest
in communication skills, uncertainty and risk management, and conflict resolution. All useful in being
a Councillor!
I am honoured to have the privilege of standing for election again.
If you’d like to get in touch, please use the contact page on our website and I’ll get back to you as
soon as I can.

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