Ealing Consultation on Children’s Centre Closures

On 22nd January 2025 Ealing Council agreed to consult with Ealing residents on their proposed ‘Improved Early Help Offer’ which proposes the closure of 12 children’s centres in Ealing in the interest of improving early help services. Early Help services offer help to children and families before problems arise – at any stage in a child and family’s life, in this instance young children from prebirth to age 5.
Subject to the outcome of the consultation, the centres to be closed would be Grove House, Log Cabin, Greenfields, Hathaway, Maples, Petts Hill, Jubilee, Dormers Wells, Northolt Park, Copley, Windmill & Windmill Park Children’s Centres. (Improved Early Help Offer, London Borough of Ealing p.6, 22/01/2025)
The question is, is it possible to improve early help – by closing 12 children’s centres, introducing cost savings and reducing staff capacity? (Improved Early Help Offer, London Borough of Ealing p.9, 22/01/2025). Ealing residents and the families of young children need the Council to answer these questions.

Have your say – through an on-line survey, public meetings in person, and online, so as many voices can be heard as possible. It will be important to hear from those who have used or may use Ealing’s Children’s Centres to highlight the impact of these proposed closures. Also, from residents with an interest in services for young children and families and the wellbeing of the community.
In addition, Ealing Council has a legal duty to have sufficient children’s centre provision to meet the need of children under 5 in the borough and their families; and to consult on any significant changes to this provision, as such, “the starting point should […..] be a presumption against the closure of children’s centres”. Justin Morley, Head of Legal Services, 9 January 2025 (Improved Early Help Offer, London Borough of Ealing p.8, 22/01/2025). There needs to be very strong evidence that closures are the right decision as once closed children’s centres are very unlikely to be reopened.

Green Party Core Values: ‘We [The Green Party] emphasise democratic participation and accountability by ensuring that decisions are taken at the closest practical level to those affected by them’

Ealing Council’s Consultation on the proposed closure of 12 of Ealing’s Children’s Centres is open until 27 th April 2025. Please fill in the consultation by clicking this link, and encourage friends and family to do the same.

Online Meetings

(First public meetings were held on 13th February at Hanwell Children’s Centre at 10-11am and 1-2pm)

Online Survey

You can fill in the survey today!
Consultation on children’s centre services

Children’s Centres Public Meetings

  • Acton Park Children’s Centre, Monday 24th February, 10-11am (Map)
  • John Perryn Children’s Centre, Monday 24th February, 1-2pm (Map)
  • Jubilee Children’s Centre, Friday 28th February, 11:30am-12:30pm (Map)
  • Grange Children’s Centre, Friday 28th February, 2-3pm (Map)
  • Dormers Wells Children’s Centre, Wednesday 5th March, 10-11am (Map)
  • Havelock Children’s Centre, Wednesday 5th March, 1-2pm (Map)
  • Horsenden Children’s Centre,Wednesday 5th March, 10-11am (Map)
  • Windmill Children’s Centre, Monday 10th March, 1-2pm (Map)
  • Perivale Children’s Centre, Tuesday 11th March, 1-2pm (Map)
  • Petts Hill Children’s Centre, Monday 17th March, 10-11am (Map)
  • Limetrees Children’s Centre, Monday 17th March, 1-2pm (Map)

Ealing Children’s Centres Directory

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