Here is the talk that was presented on 1st July by the Save Gurnell and Hanwell Nature campaign groups:
Here is a link to the Save Gurnell slides:
Info from Save Gurnell
London Borough of Ealing plan to demolish the current Gurnell Leisure Centre, replace it with a new one and build 599 homes in 6 tower blocks up to 17 storeys high on Metropolitan Open Land – this is London’s Green Belt and must be protected. This development is inappropriate and will cause significant harm to the MOL and the surrounding area.
In addition to this, they are proposing to relocate the current BMX track and create a new BMX cycle track on Long Fields meadow by Stockdove Way – this is a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC). The plans will see half the meadow destroyed and once it’s lost we can never get it back.
In both cases, the environmental impact has not been adequately assessed. Please don’t let Ealing Council get away with this.
Please go to our website for information on – go to “contact us” to join the mailing list.
Gurnell Planning Application
BMX Planning Application
Please object to both of these and neighbours to do the same and ask your friends, family members to do the same. You are not restricted to one objection per household – every member can object.
We are targeting 1,500 objections for Gurnell and currently have 550 with just a handful of supporters. The BMX track has 330 comments and is currently split 50/50 support/object due to the BMX club rallying support – if you oppose this development please submit your comments and object to this proposal.
Info from Hanwell Nature
If you would like more info on Hanwell Nature and Warren Farm, please visit:
If you would like to stay in touch please sign up for their newsletter here:
If you would like to get in touch with Samantha please email her at
Thank you to those who joined us, and we hope to see even more of you at the next one.