We Love Local Businesses!

When you think about the natural political party of business, you might not think of the Green Party straight away.  We want to change all that.

Ealing has some incredible local businesses, and we want everyone to know about them.

Over the coming months, we will be championing local businesses, particularly those who are doing something cool for sustainability.  As a sneak preview, we have lined up:

  • A florist selling plants that literally suck pollution out of the air;
  • Food shops stocking loose produce to cut plastic and waste;
  • Eco-friendly cleaning products;
  • Local restaurants and cafes that are going organic;
  • An estate agent reducing energy usage;
  • Furniture sellers upcycling some stylish and amazing creations.
  • A council contractor saving us money by processing the wood he harvests to resell it locally; and
  • A local coffee merchant taking on the giants.

Do you run, use or know an amazing local business and want to tell the world?  Please tell us about them now!

Green Policies

In the meantime, with local elections coming up on 3 May 2018, you might be interested in some Green policies you can vote for right now.  These are:

  • Scrap business rates (they are unfair)
  • Set up a small business resilience fund to help small firms get through major events like floods or fires
  • Ensure Ealing Council has a designated councillor to be a ‘Small Business Champion’, giving local businesses a voice
  • Helping small businesses to identify available support to take on apprentices, such as financial assistance and guidance
  • Increase in the number of council contracts aimed at micro and small businesses
  • Review the Business Improvement Districts and make them work for the local businesses rather than the multi-nationals
  • Ensure that prime contractors pass on the payment terms of the council to their subcontracted suppliers – by building this into their contracts and monitoring if this has been fulfilled
  • Increase the number of networking and training events provided by Ealing Council to allow small businesses ‘punch above their weight’.

People who live and work locally reduce their footprint, boost their local economy and help our local town centres thrive: the Ealing Green party want to help create the next generation of local business heroes.

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