Ealing Green Party https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/ Mon, 17 Feb 2025 12:49:51 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Ealing Consultation on Children’s Centre Closures https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2025/02/17/ealing-consultation-on-childrens-centre-closures/ Mon, 17 Feb 2025 12:49:17 +0000 https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1128 On 22nd January 2025 Ealing Council agreed to consult with Ealing residents on their proposed ‘Improved Early Help Offer’ which proposes the closure of 12 children’s centres in Ealing in the interest of improving early help services. Early Help services offer help to children and families before problems arise – at any stage in a […]

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On 22nd January 2025 Ealing Council agreed to consult with Ealing residents on their proposed ‘Improved Early Help Offer’ which proposes the closure of 12 children’s centres in Ealing in the interest of improving early help services. Early Help services offer help to children and families before problems arise – at any stage in a child and family’s life, in this instance young children from prebirth to age 5.
Subject to the outcome of the consultation, the centres to be closed would be Grove House, Log Cabin, Greenfields, Hathaway, Maples, Petts Hill, Jubilee, Dormers Wells, Northolt Park, Copley, Windmill & Windmill Park Children’s Centres. (Improved Early Help Offer, London Borough of Ealing p.6, 22/01/2025)
The question is, is it possible to improve early help – by closing 12 children’s centres, introducing cost savings and reducing staff capacity? (Improved Early Help Offer, London Borough of Ealing p.9, 22/01/2025). Ealing residents and the families of young children need the Council to answer these questions.

Have your say – through an on-line survey, public meetings in person, and online, so as many voices can be heard as possible. It will be important to hear from those who have used or may use Ealing’s Children’s Centres to highlight the impact of these proposed closures. Also, from residents with an interest in services for young children and families and the wellbeing of the community.
In addition, Ealing Council has a legal duty to have sufficient children’s centre provision to meet the need of children under 5 in the borough and their families; and to consult on any significant changes to this provision, as such, “the starting point should […..] be a presumption against the closure of children’s centres”. Justin Morley, Head of Legal Services, 9 January 2025 (Improved Early Help Offer, London Borough of Ealing p.8, 22/01/2025). There needs to be very strong evidence that closures are the right decision as once closed children’s centres are very unlikely to be reopened.

Green Party Core Values: ‘We [The Green Party] emphasise democratic participation and accountability by ensuring that decisions are taken at the closest practical level to those affected by them’

Ealing Council’s Consultation on the proposed closure of 12 of Ealing’s Children’s Centres is open until 27 th April 2025. Please fill in the consultation by clicking this link, and encourage friends and family to do the same.

Online Meetings

(First public meetings were held on 13th February at Hanwell Children’s Centre at 10-11am and 1-2pm)

Online Survey

You can fill in the survey today!
Consultation on children’s centre services

Children’s Centres Public Meetings

  • Acton Park Children’s Centre, Monday 24th February, 10-11am (Map)
  • John Perryn Children’s Centre, Monday 24th February, 1-2pm (Map)
  • Jubilee Children’s Centre, Friday 28th February, 11:30am-12:30pm (Map)
  • Grange Children’s Centre, Friday 28th February, 2-3pm (Map)
  • Dormers Wells Children’s Centre, Wednesday 5th March, 10-11am (Map)
  • Havelock Children’s Centre, Wednesday 5th March, 1-2pm (Map)
  • Horsenden Children’s Centre,Wednesday 5th March, 10-11am (Map)
  • Windmill Children’s Centre, Monday 10th March, 1-2pm (Map)
  • Perivale Children’s Centre, Tuesday 11th March, 1-2pm (Map)
  • Petts Hill Children’s Centre, Monday 17th March, 10-11am (Map)
  • Limetrees Children’s Centre, Monday 17th March, 1-2pm (Map)

Ealing Children’s Centres Directory

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Campaign to improve walking and wheeling in Northolt https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2025/01/19/campaign-to-improve-walking-and-wheeling-in-northolt/ Sun, 19 Jan 2025 16:23:01 +0000 https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/?p=1094 The Racecourse Estate in Northholt was planned and built as a typical garden city estate shorty after WWII with trees and open spaces intermingled with residential properties to create a really pleasing environment.The Faber Green development was built in the middle of the estate on a plot of land that used to belong to a […]

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The Racecourse Estate in Northholt was planned and built as a typical garden city estate shorty after WWII with trees and open spaces intermingled with residential properties to create a really pleasing environment.
The Faber Green development was built in the middle of the estate on a plot of land that used to belong to a local school and was completed in Autumn 2023 and the developers put in a walkway and entrance so that the residents could walk to the local shops and Northolt Tube Station but the council haven’t finished the walkway on their land.

Ealing Green Party member, Richard Finnigan, says

“At first I thought they’d get round to it but it’s been over a year and the residents have improvised with bricks, stones and planks of wood across what has become a mud bath. Despite their efforts there have been falls and there is no lighting covering this popular route. I walk past it every day and it got to a point where I thought this is ridiculous so I started a petition.”

Richard contacted his local Labour Councillors and had a positive response from Councillor Summers so is hopeful that the council will at last complete the job. The petition is still open if others would like to help Richard keep the pressure up, and to receive updates as and when he hears more.


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Boston Road Improvements – Green Party Opinion https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2024/10/14/boston-road-improvements-green-party-opinion/ Mon, 14 Oct 2024 15:53:14 +0000 https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/?p=988 Ealing Green Party welcomes the overdue plans by Ealing Council to upgrade facilities for pedestrians and cyclists on Boston Road, bringing them closer in line to the facilities on Boston Manor Road in Hounslow. We recognise that to meet Ealing’s climate obligations we need to make active travel (walking, wheeling, cycling) and public transport a […]

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Current cycling provision on Boston Road
A motorcyclist takes the corner opposite the clocktower at speed, illustrating how the junction (without a signalled pedestrian crossing) prioritises moving motor vehicles at speed
Cars parked in the current Boston Road bike lane

Ealing Green Party welcomes the overdue plans by Ealing Council to upgrade facilities for pedestrians and cyclists on Boston Road, bringing them closer in line to the facilities on Boston Manor Road in Hounslow. We recognise that to meet Ealing’s climate obligations we need to make active travel (walking, wheeling, cycling) and public transport a viable option for as many journeys as possible, enabling people to leave their car at home and that these changes progress those strategic objectives.

We do, however, have some reservations and suggestions for  improvements to this particular scheme. 


We have become all too accustomed to how much we have allowed drivers to take priority over the rights of pedestrians over decades. The proposals begin to address these issues with adjustments which will make the neighbourhood more pleasant for those travelling on foot – the highest proportion of whom will be local residents. 

The Highway Code was amended more than two years ago to explicitly state that pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross side road junctions have priority over drivers, riders and cyclists turning in or out of a side road. The use of continuous crossings in this scheme across these entrances emphasises to drivers and riders that they need to slow down and give way to crossing pedestrians. At Adelaide Cottages, the pavement is extended to reduce crossing distances for pedestrians and slow down traffic turning in and out. 

Taken together, these crossing improvements create safer, level conditions for those in wheelchairs or pushing pushchairs. 

One area that remains of concern is that there is still no pedestrian phase for people wanting to cross the top end of Boston Road opposite the Clocktower. That there is no provision for pedestrians at this busy footfall area in the centre of Hanwell is quite shocking and should be addressed as soon as possible, being a prime example of the prioritisation of drivers over pedestrians.

Our view is that these treatments are also needed at the busiest junctions as well as the cul-de-sacs with minimal traffic flow that the council are proposing to change.


The removal of a small amount of roadside parking near St Marks and near Westminster Road will improve sight lines and safety for and of pedestrians on crossings that are very busy with families in the morning rush hour.

The proposal near Boston Manor station,  will result in the loss of roadside parking spaces along the western side of that section of road, but most of the homes there have driveways and space for multiple cars and there will still be more than thirty parking bays on the other side of the road next to the parade of shops, along with free parking 22 hours a day on side roads (24 hours at weekends). The CPZ on those residential streets prevents commuters using the neighbourhood as a free car park while enabling people to stop and shop. We recommend that the priority is given to car drivers who need reliable access to parking spaces, and that 2 or 3 bays are reserved for blue badge holders. 

The removal of roadside parking saves cyclists from having to weave in and out of traffic which can put off potential cyclists and in the worst case result in conflict and collisions. Also cyclists are advised to leave at least one metre of space when passing parked cars because of the risk of “car dooring” where a car occupant swings a door open without checking for passing cyclists. In practice, this means cyclists riding well into the centre of the main lane.


The proposal to create a two way segregated cycle lane will create safer cycling conditions all the way from the Great West Road to Elthorne Park bringing the cycling provision north of Boston Manor Station up to the standard provided in Hounslow five years ago. This will enable more people to cycle who currently feel the conditions are too dangerous. In particular it will be transformational for families wanting to cycle together with children.

We fully support these changes which should be constructed to the standard specified in government Cycle Infrastructure design standards.

For this scheme to have the maximum impact upon increasing active travel, segregated safe space should be provided for both cyclists and pedestrians for the entirety of the proposed scheme.

North of Humes Avenue the road becomes narrower, and the council are proposing turning shared pavements in this scheme. We understand why, due to lack of available space, but shared pavements tend to please neither group sharing the space – many pedestrians would prefer not to have to share space with cyclists and may be scared when overtaken by them on the pavement, and cyclists also don’t want to have to anticipate pedestrian movements on a narrow pavement.

Pushing cyclists onto the main carriageway without any protection for a stretch of the road negates the good work elsewhere in the proposal.

In order to properly serve the needs of walkers and pedestrians, we recommend that protected segregated cycle space be created along the whole length of the Boston Road. This will also reduce conflict and collisions making car drivers experience of the area better as well. 


As ever, Ealing Council needs to be bolder and deliver faster on climate action, and this includes this welcome, but not yet ideal, active transport improvement scheme.

Over to you

We have submitted our comments to the council. You can still have your say by filling in the consultation before Friday 18th October. The council consultation documents are here:


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Ealing Council By-elections – Thank you! https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2024/10/11/ealing-council-by-elections-thank-you/ Fri, 11 Oct 2024 21:02:42 +0000 https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/?p=977 Thank you to all the voters of Hanger Hill, Northolt Mandeville, and South Acton wards who participated in the by-election yesterday, and especially those who put their trust in the Green Party and voted for us. We aren’t funded by trade unions or big business so our ability to get our message out is often […]

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Green Party candidates at the Ealing Council by-elections, October 2024. L-R: Andrew Walkley, Kate Crossland and Natalia Kubica
Green Party candidates at the Ealing Council by-elections, October 2024. L-R: Andrew Walkley, Kate Crossland and Natalia Kubica

Thank you to all the voters of Hanger Hill, Northolt Mandeville, and South Acton wards who participated in the by-election yesterday, and especially those who put their trust in the Green Party and voted for us.

We aren’t funded by trade unions or big business so our ability to get our message out is often severely restricted. We rely on our members and supporters to get the Green message out to more residents and neighbours. If you share our values, please sign up for regular updates and let us know if you can help, in any way.

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Natalia Kubica for Northolt Mandeville https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2024/09/13/natalia-kubica-for-northolt-mandeville/ Fri, 13 Sep 2024 01:08:53 +0000 https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/?p=855 I am honoured to have the privilege to be standing as the Green Party candidate for Northolt Mandeville ward. I have been an environmental campaigner from a young age, having also campaigned on issues from Free School Meals to healthcare access to Palestine. I joined the Green Party just after the 2019 General Election because […]

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Green Party candidate Natalia Kubica

I am honoured to have the privilege to be standing as the Green Party candidate for Northolt Mandeville ward. I have been an environmental campaigner from a young age, having also campaigned on issues from Free School Meals to healthcare access to Palestine. I joined the Green Party just after the 2019 General Election because it’s the only party that truly understands the link between environmental justice and social justice, and that meaningful change begins at a local level.

As the Green Party candidate for Ealing North in this year’s General Election, I had the pleasure of speaking to local residents and campaigners and learning more about the issues facing our community. Having lived in the Northolt area my whole life, one of the things I’ve grown to love about it is the sense of community. I coordinated mutual aid efforts here during the Covid-19 lockdowns and it was amazing to see people working together to support the most vulnerable in our community.

As your Councillor, my priorities would be championing renters’ rights, fighting for energy efficiency including by insulating homes, and protecting our green spaces. I am committed to ensuring all of Northolt Mandeville’s residents have a powerful voice representing them. If you would like to get in touch, feel free to use the Contact page on our website and I will endeavour to respond as soon as I can.

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Andrew Walkley for South Acton https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2024/09/13/andrew-walkley-for-south-acton/ Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:50:17 +0000 https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/?p=852 I am standing as a Green Party candidate to be one of your councillors in South Acton. While I have always had an interest in politics, I have never stood before for public office largely because I prioritised other areas of my life. I previously worked in a university and in publishing in the UK […]

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A person with grey hair wearing a floral shirt

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I am standing as a Green Party candidate to be one of your councillors in South Acton.

While I have always had an interest in politics, I have never stood before for public office largely because I prioritised other areas of my life. I previously worked in a university and in publishing in the UK and abroad. Since 2014 I have run my own small business providing educational services in English Language Teaching. During this time, I spent several years supporting the care of parents with disabilities and dementia. I also relocated to Ealing which involved a period renting and 18 months ago, I settled in Northfields, where I live with my wife, a therapist working in schools.

All these direct experiences as teacher, businessperson, carer, renter, and ‘migrant’ as well as the experiences of my family have made me increasingly frustrated with the current focus of politics. It’s become about division and how people should serve the economy and growth, rather than the economy serving the fundamentals we all need: a secure home, good health and a thriving environment. I joined the Green Party because it is the only party whose policies start from this perspective.

As a councillor, I will remain focused on these values. For example, I’d like to:

  • help renters challenge poor practices and get the best deal we can get in new developments, so renters can make a home in Ealing
  • fight for more support for home insulations and renewable energy
  • encourage council use of local businesses and build community wealth
  • support grassroots groups working to develop physical and mental health for all ages
  • work together to improve public spaces and having more people out in the spaces to increase community and security

Professionally, I am a writer, teacher and trainer, so I am a good listener and communicator. I am an independent voice, uninterested in petty party politics. I will always work with others who want better homes, health and environment in South Acton. As I now work part-time, I also have the time and energy to fully commit to working as your councillor.

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Kate Crossland for Hanger Hill https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2024/09/07/kate-crossland-for-hanger-hill/ Sat, 07 Sep 2024 21:50:40 +0000 https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/?p=835 I am standing as a Green Candidate to represent the Hanger Hill ward, where I have lived for 15years.In this by-election, we have an opportunity to tell the Council we want to address both the climatecrisis and many of the related challenges we face as a society. For example, if we insulate our homesproperly, we […]

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Kate Crossland

I am standing as a Green Candidate to represent the Hanger Hill ward, where I have lived for 15
In this by-election, we have an opportunity to tell the Council we want to address both the climate
crisis and many of the related challenges we face as a society. For example, if we insulate our homes
properly, we reduce bills as well as reducing our impact on the planet. If we promote sustainable
travel, we improve our health through being more active and breathing cleaner air.
I joined the Green Party because while the changes we need to make sound simple, the reality is
they need money and political changes to make them happen. In Hanger Hill I would work to bring
meaningful progress by championing energy efficiency and renewable energy schemes- I’ve been
successful in winning some money from a government grant scheme to explore a project in Hanger
Hill. I’d work with residents to make the changes we need to help make walking and cycling easier,
while making sure changes are made fairly. Hanger Hill particularly suffers from poor air quality and
this would be a priority.
As chair of a local Residents Association, I’ve met regularly with our local Safer Neighbourhood
Police team and have a good understanding of the issues around crime and antisocial behaviour in
the area. I’d continue to work on addressing these, making sure we all feel safe in our homes and on
our streets.
We have some wonderful green spaces across Ealing, including in Hanger Hill, which I would ensure
are protected and well cared for. These are vital for both physical and mental health.
I’m a school governor and ran the Parent-Teacher Association at a local primary school. Our schools
do amazing things with tight budgets. I’d continue to listen to what they need and advocate for our
young people.
I also bring transferable skills from my day-job as a Palliative Care Doctor. I have a particular interest
in communication skills, uncertainty and risk management, and conflict resolution. All useful in being
a Councillor!
I am honoured to have the privilege of standing for election again.
If you’d like to get in touch, please use the contact page on our website and I’ll get back to you as
soon as I can.

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Launching our new website https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2024/09/01/launching-our-new-website/ Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:37:23 +0000 https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/?p=850 Welcome to our new website! It’s taken a little while to get things up and running, but we’re delighted to share this new website with you. Many thanks to the volunteers who ran our previous site, and those who support us with our new one.We’ll have articles on how Ealing Green Party is helping to […]

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Welcome to our new website! It’s taken a little while to get things up and running, but we’re delighted to share this new website with you. Many thanks to the volunteers who ran our previous site, and those who support us with our new one.
We’ll have articles on how Ealing Green Party is helping to make our Borough a better place, keep you updated with our election candidates activities and successes, and of course you can contact us and join us here too.
If you’d like to contribute an article, do get in touch via the contact page- we’d love to share what our membership is contributing to Ealing.

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2024 General Election: more record results! https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2024/07/05/2024-general-election-more-record-results/ Fri, 05 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000 https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/?p=847 Ealing Green Party recorded outstanding results in the recent General Election. Neil Reynolds finished 3rd in Ealing Southall, as did Natalia Kubica in Ealing North. This was a first in both seats and huge progress! Dr Kate Crossland saw a big increase in vote share in Ealing Central and Acton, finishing with just over 11% […]

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Ealing Green Party general election candidates at the vote count. L-R: Natalia Kubica, Kate Crossland and Neil Reynolds

Ealing Green Party recorded outstanding results in the recent General Election. Neil Reynolds finished 3rd in Ealing Southall, as did Natalia Kubica in Ealing North. This was a first in both seats and huge progress! Dr Kate Crossland saw a big increase in vote share in Ealing Central and Acton, finishing with just over 11% of the total votes cast.
All three candidates are delighted that the current parliament now has 4 Green MPs to work for real hope and real change, and look forward to sharing news of Green success stories. “We know ho much Green issues mean to the people in Ealing – it’s wonderful to be able to send that message to Government” Neil Reynolds, Chair, Ealing Green Party

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Greens in Ealing celebrate as Party gains record results https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/2022/05/06/greens-in-ealing-celebrate-as-party-gains-record-results/ Fri, 06 May 2022 20:02:00 +0000 https://ealing.greenparty.org.uk/?p=816 Ealing Green Party is celebrating after seeing a record result in Ealing. Green Party candidates Neil Reynolds, Kate Crossland and Marijn van der Geer finished a close second behind Labour in Hanwell Broadway ward, ahead of Liberal Democrats and Conservatives.  Ealing Green Party Chair and Hanwell Broadway candidate Neil Reynolds said that despite not getting […]

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Ealing Green Party is celebrating after seeing a record result in Ealing. Green Party candidates Neil Reynolds, Kate Crossland and Marijn van der Geer finished a close second behind Labour in Hanwell Broadway ward, ahead of Liberal Democrats and Conservatives. 

Ealing Green Party Chair and Hanwell Broadway candidate Neil Reynolds said that despite not getting the Green Councillors Ealing needs, the hard work for communities will continue with ongoing calls for action on protecting green spaces, tackling air pollution, and putting the needs of residents before developers.

Neil Reynolds said:

“The Greens have been making gains across the country. We are of course disappointed not to have new Green Councillors in Ealing but we will carry on working to hold the Labour Council to account.”

Marijn van der Green, Hanwell Broadway candidate, said:

“Protecting Warren Farm is such a key issue for residents, and is vital for biodiversity. We are not going away, and will be keeping the pressure on the the Council to make the whole area a nature reserve.”

Dr Kate Crossland, Hanwell Broadway candidate, said:

“The Green Party is growing both nationally and in Ealing; we stood more candidates than ever before in this election. We will all continue to work hard for people and planet.”

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